The journey:
I will start my playground here and develop this page in the open, and try to play with lots of things I discover along the way. I will use lists to track my progress and ideas. I will use github issues to set larger goals, maybe .
Next Steps:
- Start
- create a decent layout
- use a template (nuxt layer (?))
- dark mode enabled
- use Markdown to write
- shikii and twoslash
- create subpages for (Blog, ToDos, Playground, who-to-follow, "kuddl-uses", tools)
- Improve Dev Experience
- Tailwind sort classes (solved with:
- VS code extensions: tailwind, prettier, nuxtr, volar, typescript
- easy deployment (Netlify)
- Use github issues to get familiar with the workflow of PR and issues, while solving "checklist items"
- create a "kuddl-uses" page
- create a "who-to-follow" page
- create a "tools" page
- create a "component and styles" library
- … with storybook (or nuxt layers, or/and pnpm workspaces)
Things to play with:
- Nuxt eco system / community
- Nuxt Content
- Nuxt Studio
- Nuxt Ui
- Vitest, Vue /NuxtTest Utils
- Nuxt Fonts
- Iconify
- Tailwind Eco system
- Headless UI
- Prose
- connect github for repo list
- Talk to Daniel Roe